Scientific Committee - Venous Track

Scientific Committee- Superficial Venous
Consultant Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon
Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dr. Mohamed Baguneid, MBChB, MD, MBA, is a Consultant and Chair of the Vascular Surgery Division at Sheikh Shakhbout Medical City (SSMC) in Abu Dhabi. With over 15 years of consultant-level experience treating vascular disease, Dr. Baguneid specializes in aortic, carotid, and peripheral artery disease. He graduated from the University of Manchester and achieved his Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons. His novel research into tissue engineering of blood vessels between Manchester Royal Infirmary and Royal Free Hospital, London, earned him a Doctorate of Medicine (MD) from the University of Manchester. He also received a Master’s Degree with merit in Business Administration from the Alliance Manchester Business School. Since moving to the UAE, Dr. Baguneid has helped shape diabetic foot services and advanced vascular surgery in the region. He has published and presented widely on many aspects of vascular surgery including oncovascular surgery. Dr. Baguneid provides support to regional surgical oncology teams and has taught many consultants to perform a wide range of complex vascular treatments. In addition, he trains surgeons in the art of managing vascular trauma in international workshops and conferences. As a clinical leader, Dr. Baguneid has held many senior leadership roles in the UK and the UAE. Shortly after becoming a consultant, he was appointed Clinical Director of Vascular Surgery at University Teaching Hospital in Manchester and was involved in the reconfiguration of regional vascular services. Later on, he was appointed as Medical Director of a large service transformation program in the UK. He was the Chair of Surgery in Al Ain Hospital and also worked with the SEHA Transformation Team on region-wide healthcare changes before joining SSMC. Dr. Baguneid has published over 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is the editor of the Oxford Handbook of Key Clinical Evidence and the Oxford Handbook of Surgical Guidelines.

Scientific Committee- Superficial Venous
Professor of Vascular Surgery
University of Ferrara
Ferrara, Italy
Professor Sergio Gianesini is a surgeon of the University of Ferrara, ITALY, where he holds an associate professorship in vascular surgery Italian habilitation. He is also adjunct associate professor at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, in Bethesda, USA. Dr. Sergio Gianesini is president of the venous-lymphatics World International Network (vWIN) foundation ONLUS, International Union of Phlebology UIP vice-president, board of directors’ member of the American Vein Lymphatic Society. Dr Gianesini has a PhD in Vascular System Molecular Patho-physiology. In addition, he is an Invited Professor and General Director for Non-invasive diagnostic course for UCES University in Argentina, and an instructor in Venous Hemodynamics. He is frequently requested to speak at international meetings on phlebology and lymphology. Active in several societies, Dr Gianesini is the International Committee Chair for the American Vein & Lymphatic Society. Dr Gianesini is a member of three operative committees of the American Venous Forum, and a member of the coordination committee on Lymphology for the Italian Society of Phlebology. He is an honorary member of the Brazilian Society of Phlebology and of the Mexican Venous Forum. Dr. Gianesini has authored numerous scientific papers, and a number of books and guidelines on the venous and lymphatic topic. He is Editor in Chief of Vascular Insights Journal, associate Editor of International Angiology Journal and associate Editor of Phlebology Journal. He serves as Reviewer for several international scientific journals. Dr Gianesini has won numerous international scientific awards in phlebo-lymphology. His clinical experience includes venous and endovenous procedures, lower limb ulceration, venous and lymphatic echo-color-Doppler scanning, and venous aesthetic procedures (laser & sclerotherapy). He created the HydroFE veno-lymphatic protocol, and initiated the Game Over to Leg Failure public venous awareness project.

Scientific Committee- Superficial Venous
Director Vascular Surgery & Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Fortis Mohali
Punjab, India
Dr Ravul Jindal has vast experience in open and endovascular surgeries, with expertise in endovascular management of aortic aneurysms, revascularization in diabetic foot and varicose veins. He popularized the treatment of Diabetic foot and Laser ablation of varicose veins in this part of the world. He conducted four International research trials where various blood thinning agents were being evaluated in the treatment of Deep venous thrombus. His areas of expertise are - Peripheral Vascular Surgery, open and endovascular surgeries, with expertise in endovascular management of aortic aneurysms, revascularization in diabetic foot and varicose veins. His special interests are in the Laser treatment of varicose veins where patients are treated as a day case without any surgical incisions. His other areas of interest are AV fistula, AV graft reconstruction, failing fistula angioplasties, permacath insertion & deep venous thrombus thrombolytic and arterio venous malformations treatment.

Scientific Committee- Deep Venous
Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery
Florence Nightingale Hospital
Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Mert Dumantepe is an Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery at Acibadem University School of Medicine. He completed his graduation from Istanbul University School of Medicine, Turkey in 2001. He was trained in Dr. Siyami Ersek’s Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Research and Training Hospital. Dr. Mert Dumantepe conducted a fellowship in the field of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Endarterectomy program, and Heart Transplantation and Mechanical Asist Device program from University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, USA in 2015 until 2016. He is the general secretary of the Turkish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery - Pulmonary Vascular Disease and Pulmonary Hypertension working group. In Dr. Mert Dumantepe’s professional career, he has focused on extensive work with venous thromboembolic disease, particularly on catheter directed thrombolysis in intermediate and high-risk pulmonary embolism. Dr. Dumantepe's research interest is optimizing the therapeutic management of patients with massive pulmonary embolism and endovascular treatment of acute and chronic deep vein thrombosis. Dr. Mert Dumantepe is the reviewer of the Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Chest, Heart-Lung and Circulation, BMJ, Phlebology, and the Lancet. Dr. Mert Dumantepe is the author of over 50 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, and the section editor and writer of the deep vein thrombosis chapter of the Vascular Surgery textbooks. He has been involved as Principal Investigator in multiple international, multicenter randomized trials in pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, including PE-KNOCOUT Study, VETEX, SPECTRUM.

Scientific Committee- Deep Venous
Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Al Zahra Private Hospital
Dubai, UAE
Dr. Mohamed Okelah is a Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon with more than 16 years of experience. He completed his medical degree and MD in Ain Shams University, Egypt, and obtained two fellowships of Peripheral Endovascular Intervention and Brunkwal Cologne Aortic Grafting, Germany. Additionally, Dr. Okelah is the co-founder of the Emirates Vascular Surgery Society and was elected general secretary of the Emirates Vascular Surgery Society.